Use Variables to Filter a Query Result with GraphQL

Eve Porcello
InstructorEve Porcello
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Published 6 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

If you want to pass dynamic arguments to a GraphQL query, you can do so with GraphQL query variables. In this lesson, we’ll replace static or inline values with dynamic values and pass data as JSON to the query from the Query Variables panel.

To follow along with these queries, go to the Pet Library GraphQL Playground.

Instructor: [00:00] We'll start by opening up a new tab in GraphQL Playground by clicking the plus, and we're going to use this new tab to write a new query. We'll use our allPets query from before, but this time, we want to pass in some optional arguments.

[00:14] If we take a look at all pets in the schema, we'll see that category and status are potential filters for this query. I'm going to add category dog. We just want to see the dogs, and we just want to see those dogs that are available.

[00:29] Now, I can make a selection for ID, name, status, and category, and I'll just see those dogs that are available. Right now, these values are being passed in-line as strings with the query, but we also have the option to provide values as dynamic values.

[00:44] Let's say you wanted to build a UI for this. You might have some dropdown filters. You'd need some sort of mechanism for passing back dynamic user input. To pass dynamic values with a GraphQL query, we're going to use variables.

[00:59] The first thing I want to do is I want to set up these variables on line one. We're going to use the dollar sign and category, and then we'll define what type category is, which is petCategory. Then we'll provide status, which is petStatus.

[01:13] Next, we'll provide these variables to our allPets query by using the dollar sign and the name of the argument. Now, if I click play, we're going to have these variables set up, but we're not passing any values yet. This is just going to give me everything.

[01:28] Because those values are nullable, we can provide null, and this will just show me all of the pets. When I want to provide those values, I'm going to open up the query variables panel. Here, I'm going to pass the values as JSON.

[01:42] I'll provide the category and the status to find those available dogs. These values will then be passed, and our response should reflect that. This will be dynamic, so I can change it to cat. This will show me all the available cats.

[01:58] The GraphQL query language also gives us a way to pass default values for these variables. For example, if I set the default with an equals sign to stingray for petCategory, and I click play, the default isn't going to be used. We're still going to pull those values from the query variables.

[02:16] However, if I remove that, and I don't pass the cat value, then it will use the default. If that value is not provided, we're going to use the default.

~ 6 years ago

lost comma { "category": "DOG" "status": "AVAILABLE" }

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