1. 16
    Ensure Form Controls have Accessible Labels
    2m 33s

Ensure Form Controls have Accessible Labels

Erin Doyle
InstructorErin Doyle
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Published 5 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

Labeling inputs, elements, and widgets add context and clarity for assistive technology such as screen readers. Elements of a <form> such as <input> or <textarea> or <select> should be labelled by using a <label> element. Placeholder text can be used in addition to a label but should not be used in place of a label as not all assistive technologies respect placeholder text.

Instructor: [0:00] Here I have a form that is missing accessible labels for each of the form inputs. We can see this here from our React aXe finding here in the console. Let's look at the code for this. Here's the code for that form.

[0:15] I at least already have visual labels using label elements for each of the inputs that they should be labeling. The only thing left to do is to associate the label with the input to which it applies. We've got two options for doing that. If possible, we can wrap the input with the label.

[0:42] If we check that out by running ESLint real quick, let's see if those findings have been resolved. We still have one in a different file, but the findings that we had originally for this file have now been resolved. We can also see that over here with React aXe where we're no longer seeing that finding.

[1:01] However, my display has been impacted. Now that I'm wrapping these inputs with the label elements, it's restricting the width of these inputs. I can probably fix that with CSS, but there are lots of reasons why perhaps I don't want to wrap my input element. Or maybe the label is located a little somewhere else in the structure of my page.

[1:23] If we don't want to nest our inputs within our labels, we can associate them by adding an ID to our input and adding an htmlFor attribute to the label that references that ID of the input.

[1:41] One thing to note. In plain old HTML, this attribute would be for with a lower case F. Because we're using React, instead we use the attribute htmlFor in camelCase. Let's do the same thing here for this other input.

[2:03] If we run ESLint again, we still are no longer seeing any findings for the login.js file. If we run React aXe again, we no longer see a finding here either. Now my inputs are now back to their full width as they were originally designed. Just to double-check, let's look at Totally and annotate any missing labels. We don't have any annotations because we are no longer missing any labels.

~ 14 minutes ago

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